219 Sullivan Street


Circuit riding' Reverend George Gatewood bought this home in 1915.  He was a minister licensed by the Methodist General conference in 1899.  He preached to frontier churches that were beyond the reach of regular clerics with the help of occasional visiting ministers.  He attended the spiritual needs of 200 homesteaders in "Union Services" which were held in school houses throughout the area.  He and his wife supported themselves by operating "General" stores here in town  He also worked as postmaster, real estate salesman, fisherman and newspaper reporter.  He wrote two books of historical significance:  "Ox Cart Days to Airplane Era in Southwest Florida" and "On Florida's Coconut Coast"  both of which have been republished by the Punta Gorda Historical Society.  

23084 Seneca Avenue

  The first church to form a congregation in    the Punta Gorda region was the Trinity United Methodist in Charlotte Harbor.    The church, ...