220 Goldstein Street/501 Shreve Street

This home has significant historical value because of the family whose lives are connected to the building.  Fritz Quednau and his wife, Belle, came to Punta Gorda in 1888 to establish a cigar-making business.  Established in 1892 and located at 220 Goldstein between Berry and Shreve St.  When Fritz died in 1896, his wife converted the cigar factory into a boarding house.  Fritz' son, Fred, was an early Punta Gorda fishing boat captain, a Punta Gorda cafe owner, mayor and sheriff.  Fred married Belle McBean and their daughter, Tosie Hindman, who reigned as supervisor of elections, lived in the house until her death. This house is currently located in the Punta Gorda History Park at 501 Shreve St., Punta Gorda, FL.

1555 Taylor Road, Seventh Day Adventist

  Seventh Day Adventists have a long history in Punta Gorda.  They started a school in the early town in 1895. There were 13 students origin...