231 Goldstein Street


Named after early settlers, Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Goldstein.  This street houses the wood-frame home representing the Frame-Vernacular style.  This is square and one floor and more than one-room deep.  A porch has been added to the front and it is built on concrete piers as common during this era of 19th century Punta Gorda.  The chimney was on an outside wall and the fireplace is centrally located.  This was originally a residence.

Charlotte Harbor Area Historical Society News-Press, 12/3/1986 shows a photo of the house which has two stories.  The blurb says the home was dismantled in 1968 and built in 1886. 

212 Durrance Street,

This home was built in 1925 by Charlie Johnson, The current owner purchased this house in 2004 from the estate of  Mrs. Mable Keys, a native...