South East Corner of Virginia Avenue and Cochran Street /501 Shreve St., History Park

The El Palmetto Cigar Manufacturing Company was organized in 1891.  On the southeast corner of Virginia Avenue and Cochran Street, a wood frame factory and a row of cottages for workers were built.  Each building housed two families.  In 1901 the cigar factory industry in Punta Gorda moved to Tampa and the buildings were sold to D. H. Huckeby, who moved this building to Brown Street.   On October 25, 1924, Cleve Mays purchased the building for $50 and his stepdaughter, Mrs. Elnora Puckett, lived in the home for many years.  The building was purchased by Mike Nickelson in 1997.  He donated the building to the Historical Society for placement in the History Park at 501 Shreve Street.  In October 1999, this was the first building moved to the park.  

Tamiami Trail

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