25325 Marion Avenue

Part time resident George A. Barnhart, a master plumber from Baltimore, Maryland, owned this house.  He had it built in 1926.  The original part of the house was the kitchen.  It consists of two bedrooms on the first floor and one large room on the second floor.  Also, the living room, dining room, bathroom sun parlor were on the east side, and the kitchen.  Around 1954 it was left to one of his daughters, Lillian Mae Barnhart Ehrman Carter.  She then passed it to her son, Raymond M. Ehrman in 1986 around her death in 1986.  The house was then sold in 1997 to Lori Irons and her husband.  (Information supplied by Joan Ehrman, wife of Raymond M.)

25250 Airport Road

  The First Presbyterian Church of Punta Gorda now sits on Airport Road across from the current location of the Masonic Lodge of Punta Gorda...